Philippine Dose Registry of Occupationally Exposed Workers.
Provides a registry of occupationally exposed workers in the country, their affiliated facilities and their exposure records.
Generates worker's Occupational Exposure History (OEH), facility's Annual Dose Summary (ADS), and more!
Report levels of radiation exposures of workers as part of the country’s commitment to the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR).
Identifies and notifies incidents of exposures that are above the regulatory limits
Provides dose exposure profiles in just a click away
Radiation Monitoring service providers
“Frequently Asked Questions.”
A: People who has the access to the system and their functions are as follows:
RPSS develops and manages the settings of accounts and updates and maintains the data in the registry. The Section is responsible in 1) uploading of data from the evaluated dosimeters; 2) printing of reports such as the annual dose summary of a facility and occupational dose history of an individual and; 3) notifies the regulatory body on incidents of overexposure; 4) checks and validates data to be uploaded; 5) limit the number of guests by enabling/disabling them to access the system; 6) reset password of users; 7) sends notification to service providers on their submission of dose reports.
Regulatory bodies (Center for Device Regulation, Radiation, Health and Research & Philippine Nuclear Research Institute)
The Regulatory can only log in, log out and view the content of the registry. They can see the list of facilities and workers, their profiles and exposure histories and summaries, and the list of overexposure, however, they cannot upload information and notify other regulatory bodies on overexposure incidents.
A: For data privacy reasons, workers and facilities are not given an account of their own to access the content of the system, however, they can view the Homepage of the website to see the overview of the system, its functions. It is a way of protecting the system and also the data of the people.
Workers, employers/ companies, and facilities are not given an account to access system for security purposes but they can request for dose exposure history or annual dose summary.
A: Personnel and facilities can request for a copy of their exposure history through the website of the Registry or apply personally at PNRI Radiation Protection Services Section.
A: The system automatically generates a list of overexposed personnel from the oldest record up to the latest. There is a “Notify” button that can be clicked to send notification (in the form of an email) to the regulatory body. The regulatory body is the one responsible in coordinating with the personnel and facilities.
A: PNRI has provided methods to protect its data through physical and software means. The physical server used in the system is housed in PNRI premises supervised by security personnel and surrounded by CCTV cameras. The NDR has security features of different levels that enable the user, staff, and system administrator to verify if an account is being accessed illegally so that appropriate actions can be performed right away. The system also has an automatic log out feature wherein the account will be logged out automatically after a period of inactivity. All parties involved in this registry are accountable to the privacy of data as stated in the memorandum of undertaking and confidentiality agreement that any misuse of such information may be subjected to legal/administrative actions.
For any inquiries