Nuclear Analytical Services
Maintaining ISO 17025:2005 accreditation by PAB: PAO for select radioactivity analyses

The Nuclear Analytical Techniques Application (NATA) Section provides analytical services for radioactivity measurements and elemental determinations. It has been serving the food and other industries in the country since the 70`s. To meet the growing demand for analytical services, it also undertakes research and development on nuclear and nuclear-related as well as isotopic analytical techniques for various applications
Procedure for sample submission and receiving:
You can watch the video below for the step by step procedure
- Secure an appointment by filling-out online form PNRI Portal - Nuclear Analytics Online Application page
- Submit sample to the Nuclear Analytical Techniques Application (NATA) staff at NATA receiving area at the ground floor, Atomic Research Center building, Room 116 (temporarily located at 2nd Floor NART building)
- Secure and fill up job order form with assistance of NATA personnel
- The authorized NATA staff will fill up and provide NATA Statement of Charges and to acquire an Order of Payment.
- Proceed to the Cashier Section, 2nd floor, Nuclear Administration, Regulations and Training (NART) building) to present the Statement of Charges and to acquire an Order of Payment, and pay for issuance of an official receipt.
- Return to NATA Section to present the official receipt. The authorized NATA staff will record the official receipt number.
- Submit sample to the Nuclear Analytical Techniques Application (NATA) staff at NATA receiving area at the ground floor, Atomic Research Center building, Room 116 (temporarily located at 2nd Floor NART building)
- Secure and fill up job order form with assistance of NATA personnel
- The authorized NATA staff will fill up and provide NATA Statement of Charges and to acquire an Order of Payment.
- Proceed to the Cashier Section, 2nd floor, Nuclear Administration, Regulations and Training (NART) building) to present the Statement of Charges and to acquire an Order of Payment, and pay for issuance of an official receipt.
- Return to NATA Section to present the official receipt. The authorized NATA staff will record the official receipt number.
For information on fees and charges, click Fees and Charges page.
For more information, please contact:
Nuclear Analytical Technique Applications (NATA) Section
Nuclear Services Division
Tel: (+632) 929-6011 to 19 local 276 or 281