Radiation Protection Services Section

The Radiation Protection Services Section (RPSS) of PNRI provides services to users of ionizing radiation to monitor, assess, and control radiation levels and exposures in order to help ensure the safety of the workers and members of the public. The following Services includes:

Personnel Monitoring Services Radioactive Waste Management Services
Calibration Services Radiation Control Services
Output Calibration of Nuclear Equipment PhilDose
Radiation Protection Service Facility
Sample receiving from the interim PNRI One Stop Shop (iPOSSH)
Personnel Monitoring Services (PMS)

The personnel monitoring program is a support to the national regulatory requirement that exposure of workers involved in the use of ionizing radiation should be monitored and controlled. RPSS provides whole body and extremity personnel monitoring services to workers occupationally exposed to radiation. This is to help ensure that the doses received by workers are monitored to within safety limits. The passive dosimeters used for these services are:

• Thermoluminescence Dosimeters (TLD)
• Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Dosimeters

Sample TLDs for Customers
Sample Sample OSLDs for Customers
TLD Processing
OSLD Processing
Calibration Services

The PNRI establishes the national standards for ionizing radiation through the Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL). The SSDL is operated to ensure that:

(a) national standards for ionizing radiation in the country are developed and maintained, and
(b) radiation instruments are calibrated to give correct and accurate indications of the levels of ionizing radiation. The radiation monitoring instruments calibrated are:

• Survey Meters/Dose Rate Meters
• Contamination meters
• Personal Dosimeters
• Rate Alarm Monitors

Downloadable Forms for Calibration Services

• Service Request for SSDL Calibration Services
• Supplementary Document for the Calibration of RMI - RRL
• Supplementary Document for the Calibration of RMI - CC
• SSDL Calibration Services Annex - Packaging of Instrument

Calibration of Radiation Monitoring Instruments
Output Calibration of Nuclear Equipment

The PNRI establishes the national standards for ionizing radiation through the Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL). The SSDL is operated to ensure that:

(a) national standards for ionizing radiation in the country are developed and maintained, and
(b) radiation instruments are calibrated to give correct and accurate indications of the levels of ionizing radiation. Output calibration of nuclear equipment in medicine such as:

• Activity Meters
• Brachytherapy Sources and Well-type Ionization Chambers
• Teletherapy Machines

Downloadable Forms for Output Calibration Services

• Service Request for Brachytherapy Service
• Service Request for Activity Meter

Output measurement of Brachytherapy Sources
Radioactive Waste Management Services

RPSS operates and maintains the centralized storage facility for low and intermediate level radioactive waste including:

• Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources (DSRS)
• Organic and Aqueous Liquid Wastes
• Solid Waste Contaminated with Radioactive Substances

The Radioactive Waste Management Facility (RWMF) treats, conditions, and stores radioactive wastes. The processes involve collection, treatment, and conditioning of radioactive sources for interim storage until a final repository site is implemented in the country.

Downloadable Forms for RWMS
• Service Request for Radioactive Waste Management
• Service Request for Radioactive Material Storage
• Contract of Radioactive Material Storage
• Guidelines for the Acceptance of Low - Level Radioactive Waste by the PNRI-RWMF from Waste Generators

Storage of the Radioactive Waste
Radiation Control Services

RPSS also provides technical support to authorized users of ionizing radiation to ensure that their facility complies with radiation safety standards. Radiation monitoring & hazards evaluation services are provided to measure the ambient radiation and contamination levels of certain facilities and items to evaluate whether there are significant radiation hazards Rental of survey meters for workplace monitoring

Downloadable Forms for RMHE

• Service Request for Radiation Monitoring and Hazards Evaluation
• Service Request for Lease of Radiation Survey Meter
• Letter of Agreement for Lease of Survey Meter
• Service Request for Leak Testing of Sealed Radioactive Source
• Contract of Lease for Moisture Density Gauge
• Service Request for Lease of Moisture Density Gauge

Analysis of Swipe Sample
PhilDose (Visit Site)

The Philippine Dose Registry (PhilDose) is a web-based information system that contains radiation dose records of occupationally-exposed workers in the Philippines. The registry can store doses received from Gamma, Beta and Neutron radiation.

The PhilDose, is the first Dose Registry for occupational radiation exposure in the Philippines. It is currently maintained and updated by the RPSS of PNRI. The purpose of the Philippine Dose Registry is to assess exposure of workers to external sources of radiation. Currently, OSLDs (Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeters) and TLD (Thermoluminescent Dosimeters) are used as personnel monitoring devices in the country.

Personal doses are reported in terms of personal dose equivalent: Hp(10) for the whole body dose, and Hp(0.07) for skin dose. They are presented in units of milli-Sievert (mSv) which is characterized by the amount of biological damage a radiation does to the tissue. The current dose limits as per national regulations are as follows:

(a) An effective dose of 20 mSv per year averaged over five consecutive years;
(b) An effective dose of 50 mSv in any single year;
(c) An equivalent dose to the lens of the eye of 150 mSv in a year; and
(d) An equivalent dose to the extremities (hands and feet) or the skin of 500 mSv in a year.


For information on Fees and Charges, click Fees and Charges page

Radiation Protection Service Facility

To download other application forms for radiation protection services, go to Download Form




Services Provided


Customers Served

Php 22.7M

Income Generated


New Customers


Units of Radioactive Waste Processed

ISO 17025:2017 Accreditation

  • OSL Personnel Monitoring Service

  • TLD Personnel Monitoring Service

ISO 9001:2015 Accreditation

  • Radiation Monitoring and Hazards Evaluation

  • Analysis of Swipe Samples

  • Leak Testing of Sealed Sources

  • Calibration of Radiation Monitoring Instruments

  • Calibration of Activity Meter, Brachytherapy and Chamber and Source Output

  • Receipt of Radioactive Waste


New Capabilities

  • Neutron Calibration & Monitoring Service

  • Beta Calibration Services

  • Low-Energy Photon Calibration Services

Contact Us

For inquiries and concerns, you may contact us at the following:

Landline: 89296011 to 19 local 246 and 262
Mobile (Sun): 09336079294
Mobile (Globe): 09270660751
Email: rps@pnri.dost.gov.ph